Friday, July 07, 2006

Snubbed by his own biggest fan

Despite language earlier in the week in which Ozzie Guillen said he was choosing Joe Crede as the next backup "if someone gets hurt, I don't care -- pitcher, catcher, outfielder" spoofed beautifully by the fellas at, Guillen picked Magglio Ordonez (only a former White Sox player) to take Manny Ramirez's roster spot instead.

My favorite language from Guillen's comments earlier in the week:
Crede is going. That's the way it's going to be. If anything happens to those 32 guys on the field and they can't make it, Crede is going and I don't care who gets mad.

Wait, unless it's Crede who gets mad, because he's not going, like you said he was. I guess A.J. as the seventh Whitey was enough...

And Roy Oswalt is going. (Sigh.)


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